liz buckler / graphic designer

Española Passive Living logo, signage & set dec gak.

Photoshopped graphic to appear as a mixed media + sand painting at Whitney & Asher's home. Dirt, istock & photoshop.

MEFOODIE packaging.

Iosheka Jeans store logo, signage and set dec graphics.

Katie Byron the PD wanted a tarot card theme graphic (based off the main characters) to wrap around prayer candles for cast & crew.

The Turner Family Farm sign painted on wood and Cole selling his microgreens at the farmer's market.

Logos for the D.C. Farmer's Market where Cole sells his microgreens.

Two Kings / Our rockaoke bar set. Created logo/neon sign, 24x36 posters and 8.5x11 flyers.

Intel posters and screen graphic for CIA set.

Surveillance monitor graphic of bad guys closing in on our heroes with detailed instructions for Playback to follow.

RONDO logo was to be clean and modern just like the restaurant. RONDO logo made into dimensional letters out of sintra.

The Capital Heights / A low key serif font logo with a subtle cool swish on the 'A' to reflect our snazzy hotel where inside is our hero restaurant; RONDO

These were the vehicles that made their movie debut for the Islamabad market set. Most of the graphics were painted on for the Tuk Tuk's and vinyls were used for the business vehicles.

Playback monitor graphic and the approved burl wood graphic that was based off using these two adobe images for Int. Gulfstream set.

Black Bear Studios logo and signage.

Johnnie's Bench logo for the 'tv show'

Nora delivers food to TCN (tv network). Created a 'Discovery Channel' inspired logo, window graphics from our istock account and security badge.

Grandma and friends rush into G&Y Food Mart. The location was at a Circle K. We kept with Circle K color scheme for logo and branding. The Production Designer liked the H&Y logo so we tried to get as close as we could to that logo for our version.

Grandma and friends head to the police station.

Nora and friends visit Joy's House.

Nora and friends head to DAWGZ.

Nora and friends crash a NYC party. The artwork reflects a young/hip college student living there.

Nora goes back in time from 2021 to 2003. She visits a library where the hero book covers had to reflect that era (2003).

Nora goes back in time from 2021 to 2003. The signage and posters were to reflect that era (2003).

Nora goes back in time from 2021 to 2003. She comes across a video store and sees Fruitopia and Doritos 3-D (throwbacks). Because both products don't exist anymore we had to find the best quality we could online. I photoshopped the remainder of the graphic from 2D to a 3D graphic; front, side and back. Afterwards we sent both graphics to the companies and got the stamp of approval.

Nora rushes to DOKTR+, a hip urgent care that caters to millennials.

Nora working in a CBD store. CBD Bliss logo, frosted vinyl on windows and set dec gak.

A painting of Grandma, created in photoshop. The Production Designer sent me that reference wanting the 'painting' to have an abstract/modern vibe and had to read quickly that it was Grandma. The graphic was printed on stretched canvas on a 2" frame.

I helped out the lead graphic designer for one episode on P-Valley. These posters were for a hair salon. The Production Designer wanted them to look weathered and aged.

Creating 1950's-1970's inspired signage and posters for both sides of street.

Created these 1970's themed music and tv show posters for real life show The Midnight Special set. Was able to use real bands/musicians for the posters, the tv shows are fictitious.

1970's theme indie film posters.

OverRun Records: dimensional logo sign (brushed gold mica metal letters mounted on 1/2" black edged gator board), band posters and labels for gold records.

The Family Stone bus graphics. Sly and The Family Stone wasn't clear to use but The Family Stone was good to go.

Logo and signage for Ext.Bank set.

Harmon + Simms advertising agency logo and ad campaign posters.

Created posters for Int. Soul Train Set. All these artists performed on Soul Train in the 1970's.

Dick Clark's 'Adtrend' magazine cover.

Hero insert for Billboard magazine.

Rolling Stone sent us the jpeg file of the illustrated logo they used back in the 1970's. We based our Labelle cover off the original from 1975. Rolling Stone approved our mockup and here it is making its' tv debut.

Posters for 1975 movie theatre set.

Two rows of panels for the Int. Soul Train Bar, CNC out of 1/4" black gator board.

The hallway graphic was created in photoshop and backsplash in illustrator. Hallway floors: print graphic direct to surface on 1/4" VCH with grout on 4'x8' sheet. Everything beige will be 1/8" deep, 7 prints of graphic. Backsplash tile: print graphic direct to surface on 1/4" VCH with grout on 4'x8' sheet. Everything white will be 1/8" deep, 6 prints of graphic

Graphics for a California Dept. of Social Services set. Recreating a 1970's approved logo (CDSS) and seal (LA County) version for the show, original posters and Directory.

Linoleum flooring for the Soul Train dance studio. The graphic was created in illustrator but before sending the full scale graphic to the printers we had them print just a sample so that we were able to match the PMS colors to the Benjamin Moore colors. It took a couple sample prints but we were able to match the colors as close as possible and here is the final result!